Thursday, May 24, 2012

Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock was a American he used lived America in New York City. He was very famous for the abstract paintings he did. He usually used a lot of paint in his artwork. He always smoked while he painted. Also his paintings were meaningless
and was undefinable so you would have had to use your imagination. His flicking was a waste of paint. He kept using the paint and splattering the paint all over the grass and picture.

Jackson Pollock was a married man who was married to another painter called Lee Krasner. He kept drinking. When he painted he also used contrasting colours and he kept scooping out paint using the primary colours. His paintings were attractive and were so special to him. Sadly he died in a car crash when he was only 44. His paintings shown his feelings. It looked like he was really happy but he suffered from depression.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Francis this is a really good post. You have summarised Jackson pollock well.

    Did you enjoy your experience painting your own Jackson Pollock?


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