Monday, November 7, 2011

Ice-Cream Comet

Have you ever tried an Ice-Cream Comet ? Rm 13 has tried an Ice - Cream comet and it was delicious .

The Ingredients are Ice-Cream cones, Some Chocolate Ice- Cream, and Hundreds and Thousands with crunched up biscuits to go with the hundreds and thousands.

Rm 13 waited patiently for a Ice-Cream Comet as Miss King had a spoon in her hand and called a group and then another group to come up at a time. When our group was picked Lesieli put a spoon of hundreds and thousands onto our hands then Miss king put Ice-Cream on top of it. It was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!

We had to roll it into a ball.After we finished Whaea Janeille put the cone on top of the Ice-Cream and we flipped over the Cone and it could now be eaten it had different texture on my tongue. My hands were sticky and dripped through my fingers. My stomach was growling fiercely!!!!


  1. Hello Francis! Ice cream comets sound delicious! I wonder if there any floating around in space? Could be some tasty food for thought! Well done.

  2. Hey Francis!
    I am a college student at the University of South Alabama. Great post about ice cream comets, I would love to try one someday! Sometimes the foods that get our hands sticky are the tastiest, wouldn't you agree?
    Keep up the good work!


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